A liquid version of Cernit is now available, which will reduce your work effort. Used to make fine patterns, dots, etc. Hardens like normal Cernit
• Always work with clean hands on a clean surface
• All colours can be mixed together to create new colours. The «opaque» white lightens the
CERNIT… Or used with other materials: paints, powders, …
Pre-heat electric oven at 130°C / 266°F, the baking time is maximum 30 minutes.
!! Do not use a microwave oven !!
After baking, the realisation is so firm that it can be drilled, filed or sanded
Use DARWI acrylic paints, oil paints, alcohol-based inks, iriodin powders or CERNIT varnishes
to enhance your realisations.
Much tutorials to see HERE