Набор для вышивания нитками на канве с фоновым рисунком, 40 cm x 100 cm, Vervaco | Напечатанный холст вышивки

Набор для вышивания нитками на канве с фоновым рисунком, 40 cm x 100 cm, Vervaco

The Vervaco products are of high Belgian quality, The kit includes high quality material.

Check out YouTube channel for more tips&tricks https://www.youtube.com/c/IStitchwithVervaco

Printed Runner with Hemmed Inwoven Border, Embroidery Fabric: 100% cotton, Yarn: 100% cotton DMC, Yarn organizer, Instruction in eight languages, Large-square design, Needle / Frontsheet picture, The printed design will wash out, Pre-finished, ca. 40 x 100 cm / 16" x 40", Age category: from 15 years, Stitches: cross stitch, stem stitch, back stitch, Difficulty: Moderately easy.

Адрес: OÜ Karnaluks, Hermanni 1, Tallinn 10115, Estonia, EU | Телефон (OÜ Karnaluks): (00 372) 601 3373 | Телефон (www.KL24.ee, helmic.ee): (00 372) 5626 4301 | Телефакс: (00 372) 601 3373 | e-mail: info@KL24.ee | Открыто: Понедельник - Пятница 9.00-17.00, Суббота 9.00-15.00

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